Lua API topic

In-game console

Elona foobar has in-game console re-implemented by using Lua.


Open the console by pressing Shift+F12 (this keybinding can be configured).

Then, type your first console command. Following the tradition, the first one is "Hello, world!"

 >>> :echo "Hello, World!"
 Hello, World!

To show all of the available commands, type :? or :help.


The console has two kinds of mode, shell mode and Lua mode. The command line starting with : is executed in shell mode. Any other inputs are processed in Lua mode. In Lua mode, your input code is executed in an isolated environment from the game. Any variables or functions you defined in the environment will not affect the game, including mods.

Command namespace

All console commands have own "namespace", usually the mod name where the command is defined. There are two pre-defined namespaces, _bulitin_ and _console_. _bulitin_ is a namespace for built-in commands defined in C++ or kernel Lua module. _console_ is one for user-defined commands which are defined via the console. Registered commands are stored in COMMANDS table. You can access any commands in Lua mode like this:

 >>> COMMANDS[namespace][command_name]()



Alias for :help.


 >>> :help

Show all commands.


 >>> :echo foo

Print the argument to the console.


 >>> :history

Print most recently executed command lines up to 10.


 >>> :ls

Show all enabled mods with their versions.


 >>> :wizard

Activate wizard mode.


 >>> :voldemort

Activate Voldemort mode.


 >>> :muggle

Inactivate wizard mode.


 >>> :wish [WISH] [NUM]

Wish WISH NUM times.


 >>> :gain_spell

Learn all spells with much spellstocks.


 >>> :gain_spact

Learn all spacts (special actions).


 >>> :gain_exp [EXP]

Gain EXP experience (1 billion by default).


 >>> :gain_fame [FAME]

Gain FAME fame (1 million by default).


There are some variables available in Lua mode.


The variable holds all console commands.

 >>> COMMANDS._builtin_.echo("Hello, World!")


They are the prompt text shown in the console. PROMPT2 is shown when your input Lua snippet is incomplete.

 >>> PROMPT = "$ "
 $ PROMPT2 = "$    "
 $ if x < 10 then
 $    print("foo")
 $    end


It is the result of the command most recently executed.

 >>> Chara.player()
 >>> p(RESULT.position)