
Animation Functions for rendering the built-in animations.
Calc Various calculation.
Chara Functions for working with characters.
Config Functions for getting and setting config values.
Console Functions related to in-game console.
Data Functions for managing the asset system.
Debug Functions for debugging scripts.
Enchantment Handle item enchantments.
Env Information about Elona foobar and mod engine environment.
FOV Functions for testing visibility.
GUI Functions for manipulating the player's user interface.
I18N Functions for localization.
Input Functions for prompting the player for input.
Inventory Functions for working with inventory.
Item Functions for working with items.
JSON5 Parse/stringify JSON5 format.
Magic Functions for working with magic.
Map Functions for working with the current map.
Pos Functions for working with positions.
Rand Functions for working with randomness.
Skill Functions for working with skills or spells.
Trait Functions for working with traits.
Wish Functions to invoke wish and add custom wishing.
World Functions for working with the state of the game world.
core.event A set of events that can be listened for using the Event module.
Enums Enumerations for various data types.
Event Allows you to register new event callbacks when initializing mods.


LuaAbility A reference to a skill on a LuaCharacter.
LuaArea Represents an area on the map.
LuaCharacter Represents a character.
LuaDateTime Represents a date and time.
LuaGameData Contains parameters for the current game save.
LuaInventory Represents an item inventory, a list of items.
LuaItem Represents an item.
LuaMapData Contains parameters for the current map.
LuaMapGenerator A class used in map generation.
LuaPosition Represents a 2-dimensional position.


