Enums module

Enumerations for various data types.

All enum variants take the name of the variant as a string for its value. This means that anywhere an enum value is required, you can pass a string with its name.


local Enums = ELONA.require("core.Enums")


DamageSource A source of damage to be used with LuaCharacter.damage_hp.
Color A set of colors.
CurseState The curse state of an item.
IdentifyState The identify state of an item.
StatusAilment A status effect applicable to a character.
Element A type of elemental damage.
TileKind A kind of tile to be used with Map.generate_tile.
Quality The quality of randomly generated equipment.
Buff The type of a buff.
MapType The type of a map.
MapEntranceType Determines how the player should be spawned in a map when entering it for the first time.
MapTileset Indicates which map tile atlas to use for a map.
Gender Possible genders of a character.
Relationship Relationship of a character to the player.
CharaFlag A flag that can be set on a character.
TraitType The types of traits available.
CharaFindLocation Location to search for characters using Chara.find.
ItemFindLocation Location to search for items using Item.find.
ControlAllyOperation Operation to use with Input.choose_ally.
RandomTitleType Title type to use with World.random_title.
WishMatchType Match type to use with Wish.match.
WishHook Wish hook point to use with Wish.add.


# DamageSource

A source of damage to be used with LuaCharacter.damage_hp.

Enum Values:
# Color

A set of colors.

Enum Values:
# CurseState

The curse state of an item.

Enum Values: Usage:
local item = Item.create(10, 10, "core.putitoro", 3)
  item.curse_state = "Blessed"
# IdentifyState

The identify state of an item.

Enum Values: Usage:
local item = Item.create(10, 10, "core.putitoro", 3)
  item.identify_state = "Completely"
# StatusAilment

A status effect applicable to a character.

Enum Values: See also:
# Element

A type of elemental damage.

Enum Values:
# TileKind

A kind of tile to be used with Map.generate_tile.

Enum Values: See also:
# Quality

The quality of randomly generated equipment.

Enum Values:
# Buff

The type of a buff.

Food buffs are lost when vomiting. Hex buffs can be removed with Holy Light/Vanquish Hex, and can be resisted.

Enum Values:
# MapType

The type of a map.

Enum Values:
# MapEntranceType

Determines how the player should be spawned in a map when entering it for the first time.

Enum Values:
# MapTileset

Indicates which map tile atlas to use for a map.

Enum Values:
# Gender

Possible genders of a character.

Enum Values:
# Relationship

Relationship of a character to the player.

Enum Values:
# CharaFlag

A flag that can be set on a character.

The first 32 flags (up to IsQuickTempered) are "intrinsic" and will be reset when the character is refreshed.

Enum Values: See also:
# TraitType

The types of traits available.

Enum Values:
# CharaFindLocation

Location to search for characters using Chara.find.

Enum Values: See also:
# ItemFindLocation

Location to search for items using Item.find.

Enum Values: See also:
# ControlAllyOperation

Operation to use with Input.choose_ally.

Enum Values: See also:
# RandomTitleType

Title type to use with World.random_title.

Enum Values: See also:
# WishMatchType

Match type to use with Wish.match.

Enum Values: See also:
# WishHook

Wish hook point to use with Wish.add.

Enum Values: See also: