Lua API topic

Mod Configuration

Mods can define config sections, which will appear in the config section of the game. There are two primary locations things that need to be done:

  • Add a config-schema.lua file to the root directory of the mod.
  • Add translations for the config options within the config localization namespace.


To allow your mod to be configurable, add a config-schema.lua file to the mod's root directory. The following can be used as a template.

config {
   -- Defines a config section.
   section "section_name", {
      -- Options in this section.
      option "option_name", {
         default = 50,
         min = 0,
         max = 100,

Then, add a corresponding translation file to locale/en or locale/jp.

ELONA.i18n:add {
   config = {
      menu = {
         -- Mod name
         name = "My Mod",

         section_name = {
            name = "Config Section",

            option_name = {
               name = "Config Option",
               doc = "Documentation for this option",

These two files correspond to each other. When you add config items to config-schema.lua, translations for the mod's config will be expected under the <mod_name>.config localization namespace.

When you start the game with at least one mod supporting config options, a Mod Settings section will appear as the last option in the game's config menu. From there you can configure each individual mod's settings. Test it out with the settings above.

Config definition format

The following is an example config-schema.lua containing all the supported config options.

config {
   -- Defines a config section. Note that all config options in the top level (inside the root
   -- "config" object) must be sections.
   section "section", {
      -- Corresponds to "<mod_name>.section.section_option".
      -- Config.get("mymod.section.section_option")
      -- Config.set("mymod.section.section_option", false)
      option "section_option", true

   section "option_types", {
      -- Boolean options can be declared as bare values. The value given is the default.
      option "skip_random_events", true,

      -- Options can be given an object instead of a value to configure more details about the
      -- option, like minimum/maximum value.
      option "story", {
         default = true

      -- Integer values must be given a minimum/maximum value.
      option "heartbeat_threshold", {
         default = 25,
         min = 1,
         max = 50,

      -- "Enums" allow selecting a string value from a list of values. They each have an
      -- individual localized string.
      option "fullscreen", {
         type = "string",
         enum = ["windowed", "fullscreen", "desktop_fullscreen"],
         default = "windowed",

Translation format

The following is a translation file which corresponds to the config-schema.lua in the previous section.

ELONA.i18n:add {
   config = {
      menu = {
         name = "Example Config",

         section = {
            name = "Section",

            section_option = {
               name = "Section Option",

               -- Documentation is optional for all config options.
               doc = "An option nested in a section.",
         option_types = {
            name = "Option Types",

            skip_random_events = {
               name = "Skip Random Events",

               -- Strings in Lua can use "Heredoc" format, which allows writing multiline
               -- strings.
               doc = [[Skip displaying random event popup windows.
Random events will still occur. In most cases, a default option will be chosen.]],

            story = {
               name = "Enable Cutscenes",

            music = {
               name = "Music",

            heartbeat_threshold = {
               name = "Heartbeat Threshold",

            fullscreen = {
               name = "Screen Mode*",

               enum = {
                  windowed = "Window mode",
                  fullscreen = "Full screen",
                  desktop_fullscreen = "Desktop fullscr",

            window_modes = {
               name = "Screen Resolution*",

            display_mode = {
               name = "Screen Orientation",
               enum = {
                  landscape = "Landscape",
                  portrait = "Portrait",

            scroll = {
               name = "Smooth Scroll",

               -- You can change which translation is used for "yes/no" options. It should have
               -- this format:
               on_off {
                  yes = "On",
                  no = "Off",
               yes_no = "core.config.common.yes_no.on_off",

Using Config Options

To access and change config options from mods, use the Config API.

local Config = ELONA.require("core.Config")

print(Config.set("core.balance.restock_interval", 10))